Better Plants with Microorganisms, Trichoderma & Mycorrhizal Fungi

Welcome to
Vitalin Pflanzengesundheit GmbH
Vitalin is a leading supplier of Microorganisms, Trichoderma and Mycorrhizal Fungi that are used for plant production. The organisms live in a close symbiosis with plants and enhance growth, productivity and flowering.
Is often combined with
- Pesticides
- Fertilizer
- Substrates
- Soil additives
- Plant fortifiers
- Plant additives
All organisms distributed by Vitalin are taken from nature, i.e., they are not genetically modified.
The production of large quantities with high concentrations results in an excellent price-performance ratio.
Main areas of application
Vitalin manufactures in Germany with modern production technology. Consistent customer satisfaction is the principal that has made our company a leading supplier. Our quality management system insures high and constant quality, fixed concentrations, and a guaranteed pathogen free end product.
Reasons for the rapidly increasing use of Microorganisms in plant cultivation worldwide


higher prices due to
better quality

shortened crop cycles


lower costs for
plant protection
Vitalin delivers selected high quality strains of microorganisms according to specific customer needs. Our Microorganisms are compatible with herbicides and show a remarkable durability under adverse environmental conditions. Constant research on a wide variety of microbial strains has lead to an optimal adaption to cultivation needs in landscaping, horticulture and vegetable growing.
Our product range
Microorganisms & Fungi
End User Products
We also cultivate special strains according to your individual requirements.
Are you a supplier for pesticides, fertilizers, substrates or soil additives, and are you looking for a reliable manufacturer of high quality Microorganisms or Mycorrhizal Fungi?